gtag('event', 'view_item_list', { "items": [ { "item_id": "UNC", "item_name": "MTG - Unsanctioned en", "item_brand": "Wizards of the Coast", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Sammelkarten", "item_category2": "Magic The Gathering", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 1, "price": 40.00 } ,{ "item_id": "BEE-2A04", "item_name": "Secret Lair: The Path Not Traveled EN", "item_brand": "Wizards of the Coast", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Sammelkarten", "item_category2": "Magic The Gathering", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 2, "price": 70.00 } ,{ "item_id": "SLair", "item_name": "Secret Lair Ultimate Edition en.", "item_brand": "Wizards of the Coast", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Sammelkarten", "item_category2": "Magic The Gathering", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 3, "price": 210.00 } ,{ "item_id": "BEE-2A05", "item_name": "Secret Lair: Mountain, Go", "item_brand": "Wizards of the Coast", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Sammelkarten", "item_category2": "Magic The Gathering", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 4, "price": 100.00 } ,{ "item_id": "OTGDTB", "item_name": "Eid der Wächter Booster de.", "item_brand": "Wizards of the Coast", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Sammelkarten", "item_category2": "Magic The Gathering", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 5, "price": 5.00 } ,{ "item_id": "THBENB", "item_name": "Theros Beyond Death Booster en.", "item_brand": "Wizards of the Coast", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Sammelkarten", "item_category2": "Magic The Gathering", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 6, "price": 4.50 } ,{ "item_id": "DOMENB", "item_name": "Dominaria Booster en.", "item_brand": "Wizards of the Coast", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Sammelkarten", "item_category2": "Magic The Gathering", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 7, "price": 15.00 } ,{ "item_id": "BEE-2A01", "item_name": "Secret Lair: Can You Feel with a Heart of Steel? EN", "item_brand": "Wizards of the Coast", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Sammelkarten", "item_category2": "Magic The Gathering", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 8, "price": 90.00 } ] });
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MTG - Unsanctioned en
Wizards of the Coast MTG - Unsanctioned en
40,00 € *

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Secret Lair: The Path Not Traveled EN
Wizards of the Coast Secret Lair: The Path Not Traveled EN
70,00 € *

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Secret Lair Ultimate Edition en.
Wizards of the Coast Secret Lair Ultimate Edition en.
210,00 € *

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Secret Lair: Mountain, Go
Wizards of the Coast Secret Lair: Mountain, Go
100,00 € *

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Eid der Wächter Booster de.
Wizards of the Coast Eid der Wächter Booster de.
5,00 € *

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Theros Beyond Death Booster en.
Wizards of the Coast Theros Beyond Death Booster en.
4,50 € *

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Dominaria Booster en.
Wizards of the Coast Dominaria Booster en.
15,00 € *

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Secret Lair: Can You Feel with a Heart of Steel? engl.
Wizards of the Coast Secret Lair: Can You Feel with a Heart of...
90,00 € *

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

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Magic the Gathering - das beliebteste Sammelkartenspiel weltweit

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