gtag('event', 'view_item_list', { "items": [ { "item_id": "WZK73404", "item_name": "Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur`s Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures: W6 Panther & Leopard", "item_brand": "WizKids/NECA", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 1, "price": 8.00 } ,{ "item_id": "INFCBARI16", "item_name": "Parvati Victorian Automata Blister", "item_brand": "Corvus Belli", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 2, "price": 12.75 } ,{ "item_id": "INF280557", "item_name": "Wildcats, Plyvalent Tactial Unit (Spitfire)", "item_brand": "Corvus Belli", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 3, "price": 9.00 } ,{ "item_id": "UGD010752", "item_name": "SideWinder&trade 80+ Standard Size XenoSkin&trade Amber B-Ware", "item_brand": "Ultimate Guard", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 4, "price": 10.00 } ,{ "item_id": "UGD010773", "item_name": "Flip´n´Tray Deck Case 80+ Standard Size XenoSkinTM Pink B-Ware", "item_brand": "Ultimate Guard", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 5, "price": 15.00 } ,{ "item_id": "US25412", "item_name": "DSA5: Spielkartenset Kritische Defensiv Fehlschläge", "item_brand": "Ulisses Spiele", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 6, "price": 10.00 } ,{ "item_id": "US25743", "item_name": "DSA5 Spielkartenset Schätze & Kostbarkeiten 4", "item_brand": "Ulisses Spiele", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 7, "price": 13.00 } ,{ "item_id": "US25472", "item_name": "DSA5 Deluxe Spielkartenset - Aventurisches Pandämonium 2", "item_brand": "Ulisses Spiele", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 8, "price": 20.00 } ,{ "item_id": "FFGD1152", "item_name": "Arkham Horror LCG: Die Innsmouth-Verschwörung", "item_brand": "Fantasy Flight Games", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 9, "price": 24.99 } ,{ "item_id": "4012426880957", "item_name": "Silver & Gold", "item_brand": "NSV", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 10, "price": 12.00 } ,{ "item_id": "7108444604174", "item_name": "Half-Pint Heroes: Happy Hour Erweiterung", "item_brand": "Corax Games", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 11, "price": 15.00 } ,{ "item_id": "KOS694050", "item_name": "Exit - Der versunkene Schatz", "item_brand": "Kosmos", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 12, "price": 15.00 } ,{ "item_id": "1759", "item_name": "Memo Dice", "item_brand": "Amigo", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 13, "price": 16.00 } ,{ "item_id": "866342000006", "item_name": "The Walking Dead Prison", "item_brand": "SKYBOUND", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 14, "price": 36.50 } ,{ "item_id": "FFGD1123", "item_name": "Arkham Horror LCG: Die Tiefen von Yoth", "item_brand": "Fantasy Flight Games", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 15, "price": 10.50 } ,{ "item_id": "4270000367113", "item_name": "Cosmic Factory DE", "item_brand": "BoardGameCircus", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 16, "price": 8.00 } ,{ "item_id": "LOOD0039", "item_name": "Agricola - Corbarius Deck", "item_brand": "Lookout Spiele", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 17, "price": 10.50 } ,{ "item_id": "INF280848", "item_name": "Hector, Homerid Champion - ALEPH (Blister)", "item_brand": "Corvus Belli", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 18, "price": 16.15 } ,{ "item_id": "INF280650", "item_name": "Ikadron Batroids and Imetron (Baggage - Al Beacon) -Combined Army (Bilster)", "item_brand": "Corvus Belli", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 19, "price": 20.00 } ,{ "item_id": "FFGD0162", "item_name": "Twilight Imperium 4th Edition DE", "item_brand": "Fantasy Flight Games", "list_name": "Category", "item_category": "Aktionen", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 20, "price": 117.00 } ] });
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Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur`s Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures: W6 Panther & Leopard
WizKids/NECA Dungeons & Dragons Nolzur`s Marvelous Unpainted...
8,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: WZK73404

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Parvati Victorian Automata Blister
Corvus Belli Parvati Victorian Automata Blister
15,00 € * 12,75 € *
Artikel-Nr.: INFCBARI16

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Wildcats, Plyvalent Tactial Unit (Spitfire)
Corvus Belli Wildcats, Plyvalent Tactial Unit (Spitfire)
9,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: INF280557

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 7,00 €
SideWinder&trade 80+ Standard Size XenoSkin&trade  Amber
Ultimate Guard SideWinder&trade 80+ Standard Size...
17,00 € * 10,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: UGD010752

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 8,00 €
Flip´n´Tray Deck Case 80+ Standard Size XenoSkinTM Pink
Ultimate Guard Flip´n´Tray Deck Case 80+ Standard Size...
23,00 € * 15,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: UGD010773

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

DSA5: Spielkartenset Kritische Defensiv Fehlschläge
Ulisses Spiele DSA5: Spielkartenset Kritische Defensiv...
10,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: US25412

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

DSA5 Spielkartenset Schätze & Kostbarkeiten 4
Ulisses Spiele DSA5 Spielkartenset Schätze & Kostbarkeiten 4
13,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: US25743

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

DSA5 Deluxe Spielkartenset - Aventurisches Pandämonium 2
Ulisses Spiele DSA5 Deluxe Spielkartenset - Aventurisches...
20,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: US25472

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 8,01 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Die Innsmouth-Verschwörung
Fantasy Flight Games Arkham Horror LCG: Die Innsmouth-Verschwörung
33,00 € * 24,99 € *
Artikel-Nr.: FFGD1152

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Silver & Gold
NSV Silver & Gold
12,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 4012426880957

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 3,00 €
Half-Pint Heroes: Happy Hour Erweiterung
Corax Games Half-Pint Heroes: Happy Hour Erweiterung
18,00 € * 15,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 7108444604174

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Exit - Der versunkene Schatz
Kosmos Exit - Der versunkene Schatz
15,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: KOS694050

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 3,00 €
Memo Dice
Amigo Memo Dice
19,00 € * 16,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 1759

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 4,50 €
The Walking Dead Prison
SKYBOUND The Walking Dead Prison
41,00 € * 36,50 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 866342000006

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 4,50 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Die Tiefen von Yoth
Fantasy Flight Games Arkham Horror LCG: Die Tiefen von Yoth
15,00 € * 10,50 € *
Artikel-Nr.: FFGD1123

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 2,00 €
Cosmic Factory
BoardGameCircus Cosmic Factory DE
10,00 € * 8,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: 4270000367113

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 4,50 €
Agricola - Corbarius Deck
Lookout Spiele Agricola - Corbarius Deck
15,00 € * 10,50 € *
Artikel-Nr.: LOOD0039

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Hector, Homerid Champion
Corvus Belli Hector, Homerid Champion - ALEPH (Blister)
19,00 € * 16,15 € *
Artikel-Nr.: INF280848

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

Ikadron Batroids and Imetron (Baggage - Al Beacon)
Corvus Belli Ikadron Batroids and Imetron (Baggage - Al...
20,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: INF280650

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

- 19,00 €
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition DE
Fantasy Flight Games Twilight Imperium 4th Edition DE
136,00 € * 117,00 € *
Artikel-Nr.: FFGD0162

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 2-4 Werktage

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